Tuesday, November 27, 2012

How do you rise above HATE?

Here are more thoughts from the cast of The Butterfly Project: 

"We have been learning about Mahatma Gandhi in school. 

Gandhi rose above hate and discrimination by gathering his fellow victims and advocating for equality through non-violence and non-cooperation. Like Gandhi, I believe having a community for support is very important.  It is difficult, but most rewarding to have your beliefs heard without causing violence to those anger you most. Like Gandhi said, you can rise above hate by working to "convert the wrongdoer". 

Leslie G., Age 14, Older Raja/Child IV

"One of my favorite quotes on rising above hate is by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and it reads:  

“If we could read the secret history of our enemies, we should find in each man's life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility”. 

 In interviews, the Nazi officers discuss that the way they could inflict such pain was by thinking of the "non-desirables" as things, devoid of any emotions and incapable of being empathetic. 

Celeste Raspanti's story squashes that lie, as she portrays raw humanity, a graphic and moving portrait of the day-to-day accounts in Terezin . As a reader and an audience member, I experienced first the people, their strengths and weaknesses not unlike my own, then when they experienced unspeakable discrimination, I was outraged, because I felt connected to them, saw their incredible worth and their histories.

Now, as a performer, I am struck by how strong the sense of community was in Terezin. Instead of fending for themselves, or hating each other because of their own misery, the people joined together, and fought as a family to survive. This aspect of the play (and history) makes me realize that humans are not built to hate. It is not natural for us. 

I think Ms. Raspanti's play not only brings to life a powerful moment in history, but also gives voice to themes such as forgiveness, survival, and community. These characteristics are the ones that triumph hate. Her story has given me hope that we are not alone in this life, and that hatred never wins.”

Brandi B., Age 22, Irena

How has HATE affected your life?  Answer below by commenting. 

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