Sunday, August 5, 2012

From the playwright

  • Celeste Raspanti, the playwright of I Never Saw Another Butterfly, wrote to Bobbi after watching the video ( ), " I am impressed with the faces of the children—the Terezin children—your children—the honesty, the intensity—all communicating the message of the Terezin children: “I never saw another butterfly—butterflies don’t live here in the ghetto.” More than that, the faces say: Never again!" Now, more than ever, when we cannot count on the government—any government—to protect the rights we cherish, that message is so important. The children you work with will never forget their experience—and that once, they were Terezin children. What a gift you have given them!"
    Please help us share this gift with children throughout the Greater Philadelphia Area free of charge. DONATE NOW!