Tuesday, October 30, 2012

What is HOPE?

The play I Never Saw Another Butterfly features poetry written by the children of Terezin.  Our young actors, following the example of these courageous children, are creating poetry of their own, expressing the lessons we learn together throughout the rehearsals and performances.   

Hope is waiting for flowers in December
Hope is trying not to remember
Hope is seeing the rainbow after the rain
Hope is moving on and forgetting the pain

-Monica A., Age 16, Young Raja

Thursday, October 25, 2012

What is "HOPE?"

During one of the most inspired weeks of rehearsal we have had so far, the casts and I sat down and talked about HOPE.  The characters of our play live through the most horrifying and brutal times in human history, and yet they never lose hope.  Why is it important?  How does HOPE incite action, ensure our survival, connect us together?  What are we without it?  We have set out on this voyage to find these answers within the script and within our own humanity. I have asked my actors to reflect on this and share their thoughts.  Please keep reading and sharing your thoughts with us!

"Hope is important. Hope is when nothing seems right, there is still that piece inside of you that knows that you can get through it. Hope is what keeps us going, everyday. Everyone has hope in the end, and they use it when they need it. Hope keeps us alive. 

Hope keeps us as us." 

-Drew W., Age 13, Honza

Today marks the first official performance of The Butterfly Project tour!  At 7:30 PM this evening, 19 young actors from the original two casts will take the stage at the Shannondell at Valley Forge.  Thank you to all of the supporters who are making this journey possible.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Thank you for your support!

To every one who supported The Butterfly Project's IndieGoGo Campaign:  

Because of your generous donations, we more than reached our $10,000 goal.  At the end of our campaign, we raised $13,455!  

Your support means so much to all of us.  Thank you for helping us bring this important production to the Greater Philadelphia Area FREE OF CHARGE.  Your gift will touch the lives of thousands of people in our community.  

For every dollar, for ever click, we thank you for believing in butterflies.

With love,

The Butterfly Project family

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Why did you audition for The Butterfly Project?

I am proud to be in The Butterfly Project because I think the Holocaust is something everyone should be educated about, especially so history won't repeat itself. The Holocaust is an event that should never be forgotten, and The Butterfly Project is a unique way to teach audience members, actors, and myself about this horrifying time in history that affected the whole world.

The Butterfly Project is an experience that I am proud to be a part of because I have been influenced and inspired by I Never Saw Another Butterfly and it's just awesome that so many people are going to have the same experience I had and continue to have throughout this emotionally moving and awe-inspiring project.

-       Erin S., Age 13, Older Raja

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Monday, October 15, 2012

Why did you audition for The Butterfly Project?

“I auditioned for The Butterfly Project because I thought it would be a great opportunity for me to meet new people and learn new things.  Acting in this play will give me a deeper appreciation for the Holocaust and I will learn the story in a much better way than just reading about it in a text book.

 I love acting and being part of Wolf PAC and especially the Butterfly Project.” 

-Chloe D., Age 13, Young Raja

“I auditioned for The Butterfly Project because the story is moving and filled with triumph, which I find extremely inspiring in the dark times we face. Also, because I love collaborating with youth. Working as a professional actor, many of my colleagues have lost sight of the joy of storytelling, and the surrender of one's vanity. I am reminded of the quote "Love the art in yourself, not yourself in the art": I find a generous spirit in the Wolf PAC company--they're not here for accolades, but to tell a life-changing story. I'm honored to be included into this family.”

-Brandi B., Age 22, Irena

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Friday, October 12, 2012

Why did you audition for The Butterfly Project?

I auditioned for Butterfly because I have heard about the Holocaust and thought to myself "It would be so great to try something new!" 
At first, I thought to myself, "How will I be able to do this? I've never done something so serious!"  People always have thought of me as a fun, loud, happy person and I didn't know how to change that. I thought rehearsals would be so solemn and upsetting and no one would be able to be happy. 
Well, even at the first rehearsal I knew that it was nothing like I thought it would be and I felt great about that. I love acting with all these other amazing actors and directors. It is a wonderful experience 

-Sarah C., 5th Grade, Child II

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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Less than one week left...

We're just a few days and $1,600 away from meeting our IndieGoGo campaign goal!

These generous contributions will cover our artistic expenses.  But don't just take my word for it.  Watch this message from our cast members then follow the link below.

In a time when arts programs in schools are being cut and Holocaust survivors dwindle, Wolf PAC wants to remember.  Help us teach the next generation to never forget.

Thank you!

-Tim Popp, Co-Director, Artistic and Production Manager

Join us each week  for updates from the cast of The Butterfly Project!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The flight of the Butterfly Continues……

The voices, the questions, the comments, the faces – what I saw and heard at the first rehearsal for the 4 new casts of I Never Saw Another Butterfly assures me that The Butterfly Project will soar as preparations for our tour begin.

I am truly in awe of the young people who surround me (and by “young people” I include my co-director and the 2 adult actors). They came to the first rehearsal with an innate understanding of the importance of this project.  They are dedicated to bringing the voices of the children of Terezin back to life in this magnificent production of I Never Saw Another Butterfly.

I have often said that The Butterfly Project is educational theatre at its best. I told the young actors earlier this week that the theatrical world we are about to enter is a world based very closely on fact – very real and very difficult. What this beautiful play emphasizes is not the horror but the message of hope and survival. Who better to share this message than our children?

-Bobbi Wolf
Executive Director, Wolf PAC; Co-Director, The Butterfly Project

Join us each week  for updates from the cast of The Butterfly Project!